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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

"Rascal"—He Lives Up To His Name

by Kat Rose
(Central FL)

Rascal taking a frisbee break

Rascal taking a frisbee break

Rascal is my first Aussie, a black tri. I truly believe if I would have known about this breed years ago my life would have been different, but so blessed to have him in my life now. I researched online wanting to find a replacement for my Rotty that had cancer. I wanted a dog good with children since I have 3 grandchildren, a dog the neighbors wouldn't fear. Rascal does nip at the 2 1/2 year olds legs when he runs, but doesn't hurt enough for him to cry. He also greets my neighbor when she comes home from work with a kiss.

Rascal goes to work with me everyday (since he was 8 weeks old) my excuse was he was in training. He will be 2 on Feb.8th and will be in training forever since we keep busy learning new tricks. Rascals favorite is his frisbee, it's a beautiful sight to see his body curled in the air to catch it. He loves his tennis balls and his stuffing free animals (trying to learn them by name). He is crazy for water, he has his pool in the backyard but prefers the very large pond in the front. He is great at jumping his hurdle and his hoop and has recently conquered the weave polls (that one takes alot of time). These were all handmade with PVC and I used a hoola hoop for the tire.

Rascal knows about 12 tricks, learned to ring the potty bell at 10 weeks old and our latest trick is to say prayers. He has a sister "Glitter" a Calico Persian—they have the same coloring—I tell people they have different fathers. He has a girlfriend "Freckles." She is a red and white Aussie and comes over daily to play. Could go on and on... Aussies are the best breed ever.

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Totaly agree
by: Pat

I agree with what you say. I had never had an Aussie before either. I got Stetson about 4 years ago,he was 4 at the time. We liked him so much we went back and got another one,from the same breeder. As it ends up Montana also 4 years old, had a litter of pups and Stetson was the father. Stetson is so mild and calm likes everyone and all pets. Montana on the other hand,is the alpha dog,and has one of those stubborn streaks. both great dogs. Don't know why I didn't know about them sooner.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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