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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Refuses Certain Tricks

by Chloe

Hi all! Any advice would be much appreciated! I have a five and a half month old Aussie male pup. He's very smart and does at least 20 different tricks! However he's started not doing any of his "down" tricks, the main one being rollover. When I give the command he looks away as if he's bored. I know he knows what I'm asking as he's done it 100s of times! I've tried using higher value treats and doesn't seem to want to do these certain tricks anymore. Soon as I ask for a different trick he does it! Please help it's very frustrating!

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Just a guess
by: Anonymous

You might want to take him or her to the vet. They might be in pain and that's why they won't do your "down" tricks specifically. ??? Just a guess.

by: gayle--big run aussies

"roll over" is very hard on backs. He may have injured himself doing that. I would wait until he is older and has his full growth to do that with him.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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