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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Rescue of Ollie

by Kayla
(Fontana, Ca)

Well my girlfriend and I live with her mom, we really wanted to get a puppy, her mom said it had to be up to her standards. Her mother then came to us and said someone at work had a dog they would like to get rid of and we decided to go and take a look at her.

The minute we walked in we saw her chained to a cage, we walked over to pet her and she could not take her eyes off my girlfriend, so we decided to take her.

They were pretty much starving her and had her chained up, yet they spent 3000 dollars on investing in her with international and local chips, tail docking and many other things.

We have had her for about 3 weeks and she couldn't be anymore spoiled. Her original name was Holly we decided new home new name, so we changed it to Ollie and she is amazing, just wish she had a little more obedience.

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by: Nonnie

Oh what a lucky puppy!!!

Aussie's are such wonderful, loving dogs. I have two females. I would highly encourage you to take her to obedience classes at your local PetSmart or other training facility. Aussies are very active and obedience classes will help her to learn who is the pack leader. I am sure you have already figured out that Aussies are very smart and listen to your voice attentively. Use that to your advantage.

Congratulations to Ollie for picking out the perfect family to love her!!!

your kindness will be rewarded
by: Wilda

Aussies are really smart, and love to please, so if you are "spoiling" her as you say, she will do anything you want. Obedience won't be a problem; of course you still have to let her know you and our friend are the alphas, but she will gladly comply. So glad yu took her in, I'm sure she is alot happier, and healthier. dogs that are rescue, tend to be very grateful, she will make you happy you did, a million times over. enjoy her.
I did the same with my oldest dog, in that I changed her name when we got her, but kept it close to her original. Her name was Layla(pretty, but everytime we called her, she would lay down)so we changed it to Kayla. she is 14 years old now, and we love her dearly.(we got her at 5 months old).

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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