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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care




My Aus Shepard pup is 18 weeks the vet sold me Revolution for fleas & heartworms. I've heard good & bad thing I don't know what to do help?

Comments for Revolution

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by: Anonymous

aussies should only be on interceptor or centinol research mdr a possible problem among aussies they are sensitive to certain drugs

heartworm meds
by: msuaussiemom

Right now is a very important time in the heartworm world. Recent research has proven that the heartworms are becoming resistant to most of the preventions out there. The only ones proven to still be affective are proheart- the 6 month shot, and advantage multi- a topical that does heartworms and fleas.

Not Helping
by: Katie

I, too, am trying to determine if you can use Revolution (selamectin) on Aussies. Seriously, if you can't answer these questions, don't comment. It doesn't help us. Anyone have actual experience with Revolution?

I hate you all
by: Anonymous

Katie you are a mean person. Any comment is valid. If your vet gave Revolution is because it is safe. Read the product insert! The company has done studies and there's actual information of these breeds.

Pro tip: READ instead of asking for help in forums from regular people.

Don’t do it
by: Anonymous

I was sold revolution for my 11 week old Mini Aussie. She’s now, 30 hours later, fighting for her life at an emergency vet clinic. This medicine is part of the mectin family of drugs. Similar to ivermectin that we have used as a horse wormer for years. It’s severely toxic to Aussies. Blindness, seizures, vomiting, bloody stool, diarrhea, paralysis, listlessness, neurological issues like weaving, inability to stand, incontinence, dehydration, blood sugar issues. PLEASE PLEASE use something else. I should have just stayed with dawn baths for fleas until she was older or researched this product before giving it to her. The vet said it was ok. Now I’m expecting several thousands in vet bills even if she can’t be saved and a malpractice suit.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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