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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care


After a break of over a year of not having a dog, my neighbour's Aussie had 6 male puppies. The smallest (Ringo) was the quietest, but also the last in the litter to leave the nest.

We fell in love with him from day one, after three months he is responding to basic commands such as, sit, stay (when he wants), and lie down.

He also has rounded up old scallop shells that were laying in the garden. He likes routine already, meals, no problem, regular weight every mealtime. Is it magic that Aussies seem to have auto cleaning fur. 😂

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Comfy bed
by: Anonymous

After two and a half years of owning Ringo he has proven to be an absolute adorable dog, he loves all animals (except when on tv) but he has never take to a comfortable bed we’ve given him, is this normal? We would love to see him in a dog bed or on a comfy mat but he has always slept on the tiled floor, he has 10 minutes shut eye on the sofa with me but gets down after he seems to be too warm, and never sleeps on the sofa at night or when he’s on his own.
Is this normal for Aussies?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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I want my dog to stop being aggressive.

I want some help training my new puppy.

I want my dog to stop barking at everything.

I want my dog to walk nicely and calmly on the leash.

I want my dog to listen and come every time I call!


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