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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Safe Chew Toys For Heavy Chewer

by Lydia
(Snohomish, WA )

My 2 year-old mini Aussie is a gnashing/gnawing chewer and loves Nylabones and will literally scrape through the "Nyla". I'm concerned about him swallowing the tiny pieces he scrapes. Can someone recommend a chew that I can get for him that will stand up to his aggressive chewing?

Comments for Safe Chew Toys For Heavy Chewer

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Safe Chews
by: Anonymous

I'm in King County. I have a border collie and a Aussie and that nylabone looks too familiar. They do the same thing pretty quickly. I've been told the little pieces of the nylabone are safe to pass through the intestinal tract but I only get them occasionally I alternate. I buy BEEF ONLY soup bones. You can buy them at butcher shops or even Fred Meyer sells them in the frozen food section around where the chicken is just ask them for the beef soup bones. I boil them for about 20 minutes and the dogs LOVE the marrow in the center and its good for them too! Then I throw them out when they start to chip at them. But they are so cheap! Another thing is socks. I buy a big package of mens socks like a 10 pack and tie them in knots and balls and they love them. Sometimes the eat little pieces of string and that's not so pleasant coming out the other side. Those are some ideas though! : ) Good luck! Its tough keeping these guys busy!

Zola the destroyer
by: Rob

If our 14mth aussie is anything to go by, any hard wearing rubber toy that will stand up to chewing isn't that interesting after a while. Fine for fetching, but not for gnawing.

She prefers things she can destroy - and so far anything she has ingested has passed through the system. The typical range of soft chew toys that are available last a couple of days before being picked apart at the seams and the stuffing pulled out. Moulded rubber chew toys with little features that can be grabbed by the front teeth get sheared off in no time flat.

The pressed hide bones seem to be about the safest choice so far, though they do tend to get hidden under things or in nooks and crannies like actual bones.

Rope toys are probably the next safest type of toy but don't bother with the ones that have rubber balls threaded into them - the balls last about 5 minutes in our house.

Don't let them chew on tennis balls for too long - we've been counselled that this can wear their teeth if done over the long haul.


Heavy Chewer
by: Carol

My Cally is 5 year old female mini. She would chew bones until they were gone. She couldn't get enough chewing. Then a pet store owner advised me to try antlers for her to chew on. They are expensive but worth every penny. She will pick it up, hard chew on it for a bit and then put it down.

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