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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Safest Cat Litter

by jcrply

I have an 8 month old Aussie pup, and I also have two cats. The Aussie that I had many years ago did not bother litter boxes. This Aussie is different. She looks upon the boxes as giant trays of food... not just the used parts but the litter itself. Any tiny spec of litter that she finds on the floor is scarfed up. I use the brand WORLD'S BEST - which is made from corn - because it's supposed to be best for the cats in case they should ingest a little of it, but maybe it's not the best choice around a dog who would probably try to eat the whole tray of litter. I have taken precautions. Box number 1 is in the laundry room with a fence around the box, and I also try to keep the laundry door closed. Box number 2 is in a room that has a gate on the room door and in addition I put box number 2 inside a very large plastic box with a hole cut for the cats (the dog could still reach part of the end of the litter box near the hole if she got into the room). Sometimes my husband forgets to close the gate on that room door, and I fear the pup might someday ingest some of the litter. So, my question is... which kind of litter is safest if that should happen? Yes, I know I should be able to depend on the LEAVE IT command, but I cannot yet. I am torn between a synthetic litter that might not be as tempting but would be more harmful if ingested and this corn litter which might be safer but is probably more tempting. Anyone have a suggestion for safest litter?

Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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