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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care


Hi! Our 8 mo old Toy Aussie is a wonderful dog... except... she is SUPER scared of unfamiliar people as well as kids. We know being cautious of unfamiliar people a normal trait in an Aussie but thought with the right socialization we could get her over this. We got her at 8 wks old and have been slowly doing EVERYTHING we can to help her come out of her shell. We continue to take her to training classes, we try to expose her to new people/places/things as often as possible (while not trying to "over expose" her).

When we first got her she would not go on a walk outside of our yard... and she is doing much better, however, now about once a week she decides she wants no part of walking. She has made some progress but we feel like she is at a stand-still. She is fine with other dogs, and will approach strangers if they have a dog with them. She also does better if she is with another dog while we go on walks (when our friends come over). We are willing to do whatever it takes and spend as much time as it takes. Any of you Aussie owners have any advice?

Thank you!!!

Comments for Scardey-Dog

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try thee ideas, if you want
by: Anonymous

hmm, you might want to consider a 2nd dog, since you said she does fine with other dogs, and even walks with them, when you're friends come over. but before you do, make sure its a dog that will get along with her. not too hyper, or too layed back, it all depends on your dogs personality. also, sometimes my dog will run out, do his thing, and NOT want to cotinueue our walk, because of the heat, so make sure its not too hot out when you walk her, or if you have to,do't go too far. If you don;t want ot get a 2nd dog, then try a frisbie or a ball when you take her out, hopefully, she'll want to chase it...does she have a favorite treat? perhaps ou can try that as well, when she takes a few steps.
Best to you both

thank you
by: Anonymous

THANK YOU for the reply... all great ideas!!! we are TOTALLY looking into getting a 2nd dog...due to our work schedules we need to wait until after Nov.
as far as the weather goes....we help take care of a puggle so we are aware of heat issues w dogs. if it is a hot day we do our walks in the morning/evening when it is cooler.
thanks again!!!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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