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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Scratching & Losing Fur

by Penny
(Adirondacks of New York)

My Australian Shepherd is 4 years old. She's been scratching alot, extreme shedding and has some bald spots on her hind quarters. She does not have fleas. She had a vet check approximately 2 months ago. I recently switched her to a premium dry dog food that does not contain grains - thinking it was perhaps a grain allergy. She's been on the new food for 3 - 4 weeks but she's still scratching and losing fur. What could it be?

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by: Anonymous

I had the same problem with my boy Aussie and the only thing that worked was switiching to a raw food diet - I avoid all treats with grain in them too and bath him in a dog shampoo that treats dermatitis. He was biting his back raw and he lost all the fur from his back legs! He's looking pretty good now so I'm not changing anything.

I can always tell when someone has given him a treat with grain in it as he starts scratching again.

by: Anonymous

Has there been anything new in you dog's life - been to a new place, are you using new laundry detergent... We once had a dog who broke out in a full body rash hours after arriving at a campground although other campgrounds did not affect her. She also developed a foot rash at one area kennel, but not at any other time in her life. Hope you can figure this out for her sake and yours!

hair loss and scratching aussie
by: Linda

We had the same problem with our 4 yr old male, finally the vet did labs beyond the normal, turns out he has a thyroid problem, went on synthroid almost two years ago, all the hair came back and no more scratching.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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