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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

She Isn't Even A Year Old Yet, And Rules The House

by Denise
(Chula Vista, CA, USA)

Looking good at 7 months old

Looking good at 7 months old

Piper has a huge personality. So much so, that she even has her own Facebook page (Piper Jones). Smart as a whip, she herds decorative seashells (some of them large and heavy), and rocks of all kinds -- making neat piles of them on the back lawn. She recently learned how to neatly unscrew the sprinkler heads! Now all we can do is wait til she gets bored with that and moves on to something else. She's 8 months old.

She's a beauty who has stolen our hearts.

Comments for She Isn't Even A Year Old Yet, And Rules The House

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Our Rescued Aussie
by: Nancy

Our Sadie girl still hanging in there. Loves to dive nose first into the snow, comes in looking like the Abominable Snow Auss, lol. Love her so much. Still pretty cautious when people around but she has gotten a bit more trusting with us. We will have her a year in May.


by: Anonymous

Our Jack is almost a carbon copy, not quite as well groomed I’m afraid.

Awesome Aussies!
by: Nancy

We just adopted an Aussie, her name is Sadie. We previously had a sheltie and this little girl has stolen our hearts. She came from a breeding situation therefore is not socialized. It’s a bit of a challenge gaining her trust but she is complete opposite from our sheltie, she's quiet & doesn't bark.

She is so sweet & looks very much like your dog, black tri colored. Can run like the wind if she wants!

Rescued Aussie
by: Anonymous

We have a rescue Aussie — just got her in May. What’s not to love? She does have some people issues, seems she was never socialized but just as sweet as could be. We have had Shelties in the past & this Aussie is like the complete opposite as far as barking & dictatorship. We hope she will eventually come out of her shell Her name is Sadie & is a black tri-color so quite pretty.

Aussie girl owner
by: Susanne D

She is absolutely beautiful and looks like my black tri Aussie girl.
As mischievous as they can be, they are so much fun and lovable.
Harley wants to be the boss of everyone, especially my Great Pyrenees mix boy and our Aussie mix boy grand dog.
I wouldn’t trade my Aussie girl for anything.
Enjoy your Aussie girl Piper.
Thanks for sharing, Susanne

They are their own person
by: Kerry

People are just along for the ride with Aussies! They know best and you better get in line. Love those dogs!!!

by: Arlene Moore

Cute girl Piper is... never heard of an Aussie though that herds seashells, that's cute :)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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