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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Sick Australian Shepherd Has Rash And Is Now Vomiting: Vet Not Sure Of Cause

Our Australian Shepherd is 4 years old and recently has become ill. He has a rash on his stomach and it is not going away (even with care from his vet - who is not sure what this is).

He has now started to throw up a few times a day, so whatever it is is progressing. Has anyone seen this before?

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by: Anonymous

Since your vet is not sure then please remember to take anything I say with a grain of salt as I am going off my limited knowledge about the situation here.

Has the vet x-rayed the area or checked the organs/area around it in any other way? the rash seems to be in that very peculiar spot so the problem could be internal and the rash is just from your dog nipping at it from the pain.

Since he is vomiting there is a very small chance that it is an allergic reaction. You said it was resent, have you made any changes to his diet in recent days? Has there been any type of change to his environment such as new weedkiller (be it yours or a neighbors) or any other chemicals he could have come in contact with?

Have you been to any field trips with questionable water cleanliness which he may have drank?

Since your vet is not sure maybe you should go and look for a second opinion as well, this is about your baby, your current vet may not know what the cause is but another vet may have seen it before so ask around. Don't stop with regular vets, go to holistic vets as well.
Some friendly advise, if they try to give you anything that stops the symptoms but doesn't fix the cause (such as Apoquel) then keep looking.

Good luck and hope he gets better.

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