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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Siezure Treatment

What is the best medicine to treat seizures in Aussies?

Comments for Siezure Treatment

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Best Medicine to treat seizures
by: Nancy

We have our dog on Phenobarbital but it's not the best as there are side effects. He is on a low dose of it and so far has tolerated it well. It does however make him sleepy. I just couldn't stand to see him having the seizures anymore. It was breaking my heart. He has done well on Phenobarbital. No seizures for a few months now. Good luck to you and your pet.

by: ken and karen

Please reach out to us at our dog had seizure from 9 months old to 9 years she was our 1st puppy we ever had. I can not think of what medicines she was on at this time since I am at work. My wife would know. And I would be more the n happy to help you out.

Missy's Song
by: Dave&cheryl

We adopted a beautiful Aussie named Missy who was considered an "at risk" dog because she had had seizures. (She would have been euthanized if she had experienced observed seizures while she was at the pound.) She had seizures originally 4-6 weeks apart. As they became more frequent, we put her on phenobarbital. As they increased more, our vet added Kepra. We got the generic through Costco (Sam's Club, as most pharmacies, matched their price which GREATLY reduced the cost.) As her seizures continued to become more frequent, our vet referred us to a holistic vet. He started Missy on some anxiety meds (available on line) and Chinese herbs. This seemed to slow the seizure frequency down for a brief time. They again increased and he suggested acupuncture. Treatments were an option, but we elected the alternative, gold bead implants, right away because her seizures were multiple and very frequent. She was up to as many as 4 a day every few days. Immediately after the surgery/implant, the seizures stopped. She was seizure free for two months and we were elated. Her last seizure was extremely bad and she didn't really "come out of it" totally. (3 in a row). We took her to Metro and they tried valiantly to stop the seizure cycle. Finally, after 36 hours, we had to let her go. She had never really came back to full recognition of us. We would recommend contacting a holistic doctor in your area for treatment options. Because phenobarbital destroys the liver, we believe that if we could have started acupuncture sooner and eliminated the pheno and Kepra, we may have extended Missy's productive life. A lot of vets will not support holistic medicines. Ours did. The holistic vet, in fact, practices in conjunction with Metro Vet Hospital, the largest such clinic in NE Ohio. His name is Dr. Sivula and his office number 330/659-3441. He may be able to refer you to someone in your area. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

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