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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Sleepless Night

by Koi & Frog
(Miami )

My Baby

My Baby

It was the second night that we were spending with our 4-5 month old blue merle (Joey, Joe) we had NO IDEA what his sleep pattern was. The first night he slept with us at the foot of our bed. He moved every once in a while but who doesn't move at least once? My boyfriend and I decided we should have our "us" time, being that we didn't have our "us" time all week. We put Joey on HIS BIG PLUSH bed. Frankly, I think his bed is more comfortable then our king size bed (haha).

About a minute or less into our "us" time we both stopped to look at Joey… we was walking around in a circle by the door. He looked like he was waiting for someone, he looked quite miserable… we asked him "Joe? whats wrong?" He looked at us and just sighed. We were worried. We encourage our Joe to sleep with us. We want him to feel part of the pack. We called him over to our bed, he came to our bed side, gave a small whimper and walked back to the door and laydown with his back towards us. We were BOTH shocked. This wasn't our super hyper active Joe?

We started to ponder of every possible thing, my boyfriend came up with the conclusion that he missed his old family. I figured we scared him with our "us" time... but one of us had the genius idea of maybe he had to pee. Soo we took him out, that was it! He had to pee! After he did his business, he was back to his regular self! jumping around and wagging his bobbed tail. We were relieved! I was so happy that was it. I'm soo happy that's his way of us letting us know that he has to go out.
(such a good boy). Later on that night he did the same thing.

Joey is an amazing dog. He has such personality it's crazy.
I'm no expert in dog training. I taught him how to sit, laydown ,up andddd SPEAK! My greatest accomplishments so far!

We love our Joe and cant wait for the many years to come!!!

Comments for Sleepless Night

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by: koi

thats brilliant,i mean he waits by the door and looks at us,and we get the message.
its amazing how quickly they catch one to these things i was shocked. but it totally sucks when hes standing by the door at 3am!! lmao
we go "UHHHH JOE!!" he just starts to wag hes tail,honestly,there have been nights that i wish hed just do it in the bathroom and id clean it in the morning,do you think thats a bad thing?
i dont think so i mean it would be spoiling him and defying the "responsablity"

How do they tell you they "have to go"?
by: Anonymous

We have two 6 month old Aussies and just love them to pieces! From the first day, when we brought them home at 8 weeks old, we have hung a bell at the door they would be going out to do their business. After showing them just a few times, like take their paw, ring the bell and then take them out, all with a lot of up-beat talking, within no more than 3-4 days, they had it down. It's been very helpful.
Having said that, it can also make you a little crazy. They will ring the bell just to go outside and play or whatever happens to be their interest at the time. As they are getting older, we have them wait a little and you learn to distinguish why they want out.
The bell has more on the plus side than problems with it. We have an extra bell tht travels wherever we go...

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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