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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Sneaky Blueregard

by Bagwell

My dog, Blue, is awesome. He's a 4 year old Australian Shepherd and I couldn't be more in love with him. He's loyal to the bone, he's funny, he has a huge personality, and he's my best friend :]

He is also the sneakiest creature I have EVER come across. I don't know anyone else who can slide past a door so quietly and just sneak up on you. I trip on this guy a million times a day. He knows how to open doors, and he loves digging thru trash cans. That is the only disciplinary issue I can think of with him. And even though he constantly throws things out of trash cans, I can't get mad at him, because he's a such a darn good dog.

I left my room the other day, just to find that he had sipped the rest of my Dr. Pepper, eaten my cold chicken strips, and had opened all my lil' packets of ranch and licked them clean. Is this the first time this has happened? NO. Will it be the last? Probably not. Does he ever get sick? Not yet, but he sure does make me paranoid. He always comes back for more!

Peanut butter cookies, salami, pasta, chocolate milkshakes (that one scared me), chicken soup, you name it. This guy scares the hell out of me, but he's just so darn cute. How can you get mad at a little guy who puts his head down and slowly walks to you knowing he's in trouble. Can you just imagine that? You find your adorable Australian Shepherd digging thru the trash, he realizes he's caught, so he just slumps down, puts his head down in shame, and walks to you because the only thing left to do is turn himself in. Sure he gets the whole, "Bluregard! You're gonna get sick! Don't do that! You're gonna get gassy!" but dang, I just can't stay mad.

I love my sneaky Blue. :]

Comments for Sneaky Blueregard

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Lots of Experience with Aussies
by: Carlaskarma

After nearly 35 years living with Aussies, the only thing that I have ever seen make one sick is sharp things (like rawhide chews or bones of any kind) which can tear a hole in their delicate gut. It will surprise you because it does not happen right away. It takes a couple of days for the intestines to react. I had a different type of dog get into some chocolate chips (that the goat had dragged off of my kitchen counter) and the reaction was nearly immediate. I have always heard that chocolate is poison to a dog but the reaction was more like bloat in a sheep or goat than toxic. Suffice it to say, we had an expensive vet visit but there are definitely things that can be given short of stomach pumping. At the time, the vet told me that to have that to have a toxic reaction the dog would have had to eat a lot of pure chocolate... a shake with flavoring mixed in wouldn't have enough chocolate to hurt him and, generally, Aussies have pretty strong systems because they are not as inbred as some breeds. And I agree, your boy is beautiful!!

Look at those eyes!!!
by: Anonymous

Lol, he is adorable!!! I can see how you can't be mad at him :)

Sneaky Blue
by: Dorothy

I just love this website. Your Aussie is so cute and your story made me laugh. I have one that is very light on her feet and very quiet also. They do love their snacks!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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