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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Standard or Miniature: 9-Week-Old Puppy, 9.6 Pounds

by John

Hello everyone, I just joined the Aussie family and bought a standard puppy 9 weeks and he weighs 9.6 pounds.

I was told he was standard and both his parents are AKC certified I'm just wondering if I was sold a mini or am I not feeding him enough?

He does never finish eating he always gets distracted and leaves the plate half full.

Comments for Standard or Miniature: 9-Week-Old Puppy, 9.6 Pounds

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puppy weight
by: jcrply

My female Aussie weighed 12 pounds 4 ounces at 9 weeks. She is now 9 years old and weighs 41 pounds. The range in weight for a Standard Australian Shepherd Adult Female is 35 pounds to 55 pounds, so she is in the middle by weight. There is a website with weight graphs for female and male Aussies. To convert kilograms to pounds, multiply by 2.2

age when full grown
by: Eli

You really never know how big it will get until it is fully grown, at 16 months.

Just like my pup
by: Lynn2020

My standard female Aussie was about 10 lbs at 9 weeks. I saw the whole litter and she was the most petite. My friend adopted her littermate (a male) and he has always been substantially heavier and bigger. I think it's probably normal and just and individual characteristic. Your pup may grow faster in the coming months and it may all even out.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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