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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Stanger Aggression

by Jessica
(Lawrence, KS)

I have a 6 month old blue merle male Mini Aussie who has stranger aggression and has snapped at a few of my friends. As long as they do not try to touch him he does fine but if they bend over or attempt to touch him, he tries to bite them. I have had them use treats and I do not know what else to do. We start "dog school" in about a month but I live in an apartment now and am worried about him snipping at the wrong person. Thank you for your suggestion.

Questions About Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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Stranger Aggression
by: Anne

Dog School is a very good place to start with socialization. At 6 months of age your aussie
is going through a stage where other people are, in his eyes, a threat to the his environment. He is just becoming territorial. Continue with strangers giving him treats.
Good luck and have fun at dog school.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

by: Anonymous

You could also get your friends to ignore him totally and simply drop some yummy treats on the floor near their feet. When he is relaxed near them they could see if he will take a treat from them and so gradually build up his confidence.

They should avoid leaning over him as this can be intimidating.

try this
by: Anonymous

That happened to me recently with my 1 year old. I was very surprised, because it was someone he knew. my son in-law pointed out, that because my dog was sitting next to me, he was being protective, or possesive of me. So what I did was stand up, walk away from him, and walked over to my son in-law and stood there talking. I then called over my dog, who came over happily, and happily stood in front of my son in-law without growling or barking at him. I think my son in-law was right, so now, this is what I do, whenever my Aussie acts this way. perhaps something you can try as well.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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