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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Strange Behavior 18 Months

by Maureen

We have an 18 month old neutered male. He is very well socialized… hasn't met a person or other dog so far that he hasn't liked. We haven't seen him display aggression at all. He is definitely high energy… but we run him around alot, so we think he is getting enough exercise. I would say he is mostly obedient… although he definitely tries to get attention by running off with things.

Anyway… one night last week I was watching TV and he came over and started humping my legs… which he has never done before. Later that night he was lying down and my husband called him to go to his bed, and he didn't come. He went over to get him and grabbed him by his collar (not in a forceful way), and Digger turned his head and bit him on the hand… breaking skin. My husband grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and held him down but Digger did not become submissive… he was still mad. Eventually my husband put him in his bed. Next day it was like nothing happened… he was as lovable and fun as usual. And nothing similar has happened since.

Any ideas on this. It was rather worrisome to us, since we want to be able to trust him.

Thanks for your help,

Comments for Strange Behavior 18 Months

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Strange Behavior 18 Months
by: Anonymous

He's an adolescent and trying to be the pack leader! Make sure you are the pack leader (but don't be a bully or mean about it) at all times: go through the door first, if you allow him on furniture don't let him just jump up - invite him up, feed him after you have been fed, make him sit (or down) and wait quietly before you give him his food, no scaps or titbits from your plate etc etc. Don't get angry but do be firm. If he bites squeal loudly, stop playing and walk away. There are lots of good books on pack leadership ...

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