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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Stubborn Puppy Refuses To Go On Walks In Direction Away From Our Property

by Will
(MW - Boston)

Our 9 week old pup is very smart. He is 90% house broken, sleeps 8 hours at night and after a week at home and he already knows the command “sit”.

One issue we are having is that when we walk with him down our country road, he refuses to walk away from the direction of the house. After about 50 yards he will just lie down and refuse to walk if it leads away from our property. No treats or affirming will change his mind. As soon as we turn around to walk home, he is a new dog and is perfect. It obviously is not laziness or fear — he just has a strong urge to be near our property,

As he grows, we look forward to walking a lot with him but his instinct to not leave the property may put a kink in our plans.

MW, Boston

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Refusal to walk
by: Judy

My 5-year old rescue Aussie also refuses to walk more than a block from our home. We have taken to driving to a nearby park to walk her. We have tried treats, changes in leads/harness, etc, but she is very stubborn and heads for home at the sight of other dogs or people.

Any suggestions?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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