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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Suddenly Short Haired Australian Shepherd?

by Lynn's Human

I have a 17 month old red tri Australian Shepherd and she has never had hair as long as the other Aussies I know, including her own mother, but since she is shedding her winter coat she suddenly has extremely short hair. It doesn't even get to the 2cm! (maybe like half an inch) Especially on her hind legs.

Does anyone know if she is lacking something, or why this can happen, and if it will grow back? Her same age siblings seem to have a regular coat, not as long as the mother but still...

Comments for Suddenly Short Haired Australian Shepherd?

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by: Joe

Our Aussie is pretty much the same way. She has short hair compared to the Aussies.

short hair
by: Anna

You are lucky.
Aussie hair can get thick.
I love the shorter hair aussies.

short hair
by: Robynn

I have 2 Aussies. Neither one of mine have thick hair (it's great since I live in Texas). Their coats are beautiful and very soft. Their trainer just called them a smooth coat. I love the thick coat Aussie, but with the heat, we have a lot less shedding. So I'm happy with the thinner coats.

Consider this good fortune!
by: Captain Coyote

First of all, that short hair Aussie will "love" you to its last day on earth, just the same as a long hair version. Ours is a tri-red short hair, too. She was the runt of the litter of two champion (long hair) Aussies. I fell in love with her…and she with me and the whole family….the day she entered our living room. I am now a retired LEO... my last years were both physically and mentally trying—dealing with the worst that humans can do to each other. Once I retired, I started drinking heavily. My wife’s patience and this nine year old dog, I can attribute to my now healthy life. She sheds incredibly (I can’t imagine what a long haired Aussie would be like), she’s a bit clingy, sometimes happily neurotic... and even "hard-headed" at times. But she brings so much happiness into our home... just as I am sure, yours will!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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