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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Summer Haircut

by Melissa
(Baxter, Mn)

My husband cut my Aussie's beautiful fur down to about 1 inch even though I told him not to. Will it grow back and how long will it take?

Comments for Summer Haircut

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by: Anonymous

Yes, it will grow back, and it won't take to long, maybe amonth or so, which is fine, if you live in a hot climate, but he really shouldn't have done that. the hair protects the dogs froms flees, and tick, as well as keeps them shaded from sunburn, and skin problems that can be caused by it; still, its been done, so, just do the best you can, and hopefully, your husband won't do that again. All the dog needs is a trim, and one of those brushes that takes out the undercoat.

Aussie fur
by: Kathy

We cut our Aussie's tail, buttock and front leg fur right down a couple of times a year. Her tail grows hair that's about a foot long! The fur comes back very easily in a couple of months, kind of like when we get a haircut. I'm assuming your dog's fur will be the same.


Hair cut
by: Charmayne

We have gotten our Mini Aussie cut fairly short for the last couple of summers. We live in Michigan on a lake and he is in it as much as he possibly can! We had no idea how much this breed liked the water. It makes it much easier for him to dry and his hair does not get matted. We usually get him cut around the middle of June and it grows back buy the fall. It saves us lots of work and he is cooler. We call it his "Puppy Cut."

Aussie fur part 2
by: Kathy

Fur-ther to the 'fur' comments, we have discovered an excellent grooming tool for our Aussie. Its called a 'furminator', and no, I am not selling these and no, I don't own shares in the company. We tried one our furry girl, and it removed HUGE quantities of the fluffy undercoat that she was shedding constantly. My dog's fur is so smooth now that it looks like she has lost weight, and I sincerely doubt any extra trimming will be necessary. She also seems to enjoy the brushing, and is clearly more comfortable in the hot weather.

Highly recommended!

Happy Pup: Cool in the Summer; Warm in the Winter
by: Stephen

Every mid June or earlier for the past 10 years, I cut my Aussie's hair down to the skin. Every year she was elated and could finally breathe normal after removing her winter coat. I keep it short throughout the summer with the last cut in early August. By Sept she gains her coat appropriately as the weather cools. By winter, she back in full coat.

Never once did she get sun burned, or got infested with fleas or ticks. Fleas and Ticks can be controlled with regular baths and flea and tick spray. If you live in the hot South, do you Aussie a big favor and cut it's hair during the summer months.

Also, always have fresh water in a clean bowl and feed on a new paper plate at every meal. Avoid man-made chemical chows that will shorten the lifespan of your awesome Aussie.

Wishing you the best for your best awesome friend: your Aussie.

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