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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

SuperNova, The Healthiest Elder-17 You've Ever Seen!

by Rosy Heart
(Coarsegold, California, USA)

Rosy & Supernova at Seawolf Beach

Rosy & Supernova at Seawolf Beach

She jumped out of an Animal Rescue Crate, off the Truck of the S.P.C.A. in Monterey at the Farmer's Market at MPC. She sailed over my head, practically, a silver white blur and some guy yelled "Catch that puppy!" Well, I did. That was over 17 years ago. She lived her first 10 years in Big Sur, on the California Coast, where we had access to some of the most pristine lands around. We used to do 5 miles a day, walking Pfeiffer Ridge, or cruising up the Old Coast Road... always on the look-out for Mountain Lions, Bobcats, that kind of danger was around a lot because the Wildfire forced so many out of the Mountains, down to where there are People, roads, etc... our own canyon was always visited by these intense Predators; She always let me know when they were close by, never chased them (as per my command.)

We live by Yosemite now, 200 miles inland, where it's colder... Still, I decided to see her "old" Vet on the Coast to get an evaluation of Girl-Dog's condition: some deteoriation in the hind legs, a bit of blindness... that's it. Strong Heart, lungs, beautiful teeth... appetite... yes, she's on alternative therapies for pain/joint relief (cbd oil has been the most beneficial in so many ways..) but we were told by her Awesome Vet that She's her Oldest Client and well, in amazing great health! Well, she has eaten home-cooked meals prepared by Mom her whole life, no cans (except the few months she was at the Animal Shelter... ) I bake her cookie treats, too. Rice and broth, 4 simple ingredients... No junk. She's never been sick.

We both suffered thru Lyme Disease together and beat it, too, though it took several years, with alternative therapy.

A Girl Dog like this is the most awesome Gift ever; so I am gifting her back by Honoring her with full time care, because she needs a little help getting up or down... she needs to move/walk/pee every 4 hours or so... She is my own Elder Baby now... She needs Guidance when Outside. Now I am her Guide when she's been mine for so long.

I forgot to mention, the referral to a cool Chiropractor sealed the deal for her... She was in extreme pain over dislocated spine... torn ligament... now She's almost walking normally again!... we figure she's like 150 years old? Her Chiropractor costs twice my own does. Go figure. We created a Go Fund Me campaign for Her to Show the Love we have for her Awesomeness... and to help address some of the bills we're incurring... Do you know of a Healthier, Longer-Lived Aussie? I don't. And I cannot "put down" such a healthy creature just because she's needs more attention now, it's not convenient at 3 AM but she's been worth it. I've adjusted my attitude.

It has been my discovery that Aussies are not only the Best Dog Ever; People-Who-Love-Aussies are really Awesome too.

Comments for SuperNova, The Healthiest Elder-17 You've Ever Seen!

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Such a lovely story!
by: Sharon Beach

This is such a lovely story of love between dogs and humans! I hope SuperNova has a few more years in her!

I just adopted a 6 year old miniature Aussie/American Shepherd, Sierra not even two weeks ago. We've already bonded and she jumps for joy when I come home from work! She is the sweetest natured dog I've ever seen! I also have an 11 year old miniature long haired Dachshund, Maggie. (What a combination, huh?) I can't say they have bonded yet, but they seem to get along.

I certainly hope my Sierra lives a long and happy life!

SupeNova Aussie
by: Rebecca

I'm so happy to hear of an Aussie that is farther along in years than our two black tri Aussies were. Both of our Aussies died at the age of 11 years from liver cancer. We missed them so much but have their ashes on our piano. We now have a red merle Aussie who is seven. We are feeding her according to our vet and hope she will live past our others. She is a spirited Aussie, more than the other two, and enjoy doggie day care , outdoors, walks, and dog parks which is all we can offer her at our age. We know Aussies are the best dogs ever. We are amazed at what our Jodi understands and communicates.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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