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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Testicles Coming In

by Debbie

It appears that my 7 month old Aussie either has only one testicle or they are very small. Is this unusual? At what age should they start to appear?

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Puppy's parts
by: Anne

Hi, No it is common for one to descend and the other one not to....It is recommended that you take him to the vet as the two options are:
Not neutering which later on in life can cause problems, or
Neutering him and resolving the situation at a young age.
That is assuming it truly is only one that decended. You have to take your puppy to the vet to get the whole story and for the vet to examine him.
Hope that helps.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

Re: Testicles
by: Anonymous

At this age both testicles should already be dropped. It is unlikely that they will drop now. The best thing to do is to neuter him asap. This is genetic and can be passed down to his offspring. Also, the biggest concern for being 'crypt orchid' can cause other health problems such as cancer.

Testicles not dropping
by: Terry

Is this condition inherited from the mom or the dad? My male has both of his and bred one of my females and one of her puppies is 4 months and his has not dropped yet. I do not want to breed them if this will happen in all the litters.

Testicles dropped at 7 months
by: Pat

I was concerned about our pup as almost everywhere I looked said the testicles should drop a lot earlier. They dropped right at seven months, around the same time as dots started appearing on his white socks.

Just thought others might be worried and would like to know that it can happen later. Also, they are behind the bald patch around the penis, just where the fur starts getting long again.

Hope this helps.

Balls descend then ascend
by: Brandym7

My male, Ivory, is four months and his balls have descended; it was easy to palpate them, never mind you could see them. Then this afternoon I looked while he was on his back, legs splayed, and there were no testicles.. Chances are, once they ascend they’ll not return, Drats. I may have to locate a male for breeding my female.

Cryptorchidic males
by: Buzz

We adopted our latest Aussie from a breeder who's vet declared him to be cryptorchidic. They held the dog for five months before allowing him to be adopted, and only with the stipulation that he be neutered by the age of eighteen months.

At six months of age he dropped his second testicle, and now at seven months, he's fully equipped, with two equal-sized testes.

We don't know how the breeder will react (we're waiting for a phone call), but perhaps they'll want to breed him to one of their females.

Either way, even if he is eventually neutered, we're so thankful to have this wonderful boy in our lives. He's our fifth Aussie over a 28 year period.

For my mind set
by: Anonymous

Hi, so I have a three-month-old Mini Aussie and I took him to the vet for his second shots. They are telling me that he might have to be fixed because his other ball has not dropped! I thought that was crazy because he's still a puppy and I wasn’t planning on doing so. When I walked to the front they asked me if I was going to fix him I said not really. But if his other one don't drop then I would have to. But my step dad and mom are saying they are probably saying that because vets need money n what not. I just want to know when is it the right time to know when his other one will drop.

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