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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

The Life of Roadie

by Karen Yeager
(Acton, CA)

10 weeks old

10 weeks old

Roadie is just over 14 weeks old now and is truly the light of my life. I named him Roadie since he'll be my road traveling partner. I live in California but go to Arizona every month or to to visit and help my mom.

Roadie was my birthday present from some friends and I actually got to take him home ON my birthday! What a gift! He's my first Aussie and I can't imagine I'll ever have anything else!

He's already got 35 things/commands/tricks under his belt including opening the door to his crate and putting himself in, touch (w/ his nose), opening a door by tugging on a rope tied around the doorknob and go to a spot (I place something on the floor or ground and tell him "spot" and he goes and lies on it). He's currently working on learning about 10 more things and then I still have about 40 on the list of things to teach him and I'm sure that's just the beginning!

I took him kayaking for the first time two days ago and he was amazing! He picked up on swimming instantly and rode like a perfect gentleman in the kayak with me, totally relaxed almost the entire time! He's also already been up on my horse's back and sat all the way up there and stayed like a champ!

I'm looking forward to him becoming a therapy dog. I'd like to take him to hospitals and nursing homes and who knows where else. I believe he'll bring a lot of joy to many people's lives.

Comments for The Life of Roadie

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our aussie is tri-red with amber eyes. she is beautiful we got her at 5 weeks and named her betsy rose. she has at least a 300 word vocabulary and if i say something she has never heard you see the brain cells turning. she loves to give kisses and play catch with the frisby. betsy is now eight, i love her so. i know you will enjoy every moment with roadie . . . heis gorgeous. :-d

Thank you "Anonymous"
by: Karen

I think he's adorable, too! I still think he was the best looking pup out of the litter. I wonder if I'd think that if I would have chosen another one! I DO enjoy him. He makes my life so much better!

Life Jacket & FB Page
by: Karen

That's how I feel, Linda. It could be quite a swim to shore at some of the lakes and could mean trouble no matter how well they can swim.

I hope this is allowed here and if not I sincerely apologize. Here's a link to Roadie's Facebook page The Life of Roadie. It's just for fun - nothing for profit or to round up any kind of business or anything. It's just a place for us to share pictures, videos, training techniques, etc. Check it out!

Life jacket
by: Linda Schrock

I purchased a life jacket for my Aussie Annie Riley at Cabelas. Although, she doesn't really need one; because she is a good swimmer but it's better to be safe than sorry.

by: Anonymous

He is so adorable. Enjoy your road time with your Roadie!

Life Jacket Info
by: Karen

Hi Kara,

I got his life jacket at Petsmart. He outgrew the small by the time he weighed about 18 lbs. It looks like the medium will fit him until he's about 40 lbs.

: )

Life jacket
by: Kara


I was wondering where you purchased roadie's life jacket from? I have an aussie too about the same age and we are planning in doing a lot of water activities this summer.


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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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