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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Thinning Coat

by Maria
(Canistota, SD)

My Aussie was a year old at the end of May. She was growing well and a happy dog. I have been using a FURminator on her to try to help decrease the amount of hair in my home. However, at this time her hair is very thin, instead of the beautiful coat that she had and what she has is what I would call bristly almost. Do pups normally shed their coat at a yrs time? There are no patches of missing hair at all, just thinning. The hair on her head and her belly is the same silky type as previously, just on her back is where it is more bristly and thinning. I did change her food from puppy to adult about that year time frame, but we have our lab on the same food and his coat is just as shinny and full as it always has been. So I have a hard time believing that food has anything to do with it. Does anybody know why this is occuring or if this is a normal thing? I just want her coat back the way it was.

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Thinning coat
by: Anne

Yes, her hair will go back.
The hot summer is one reason she is shedding her coat. Possibly she is shedding the rest of her puppy fur, or it could be hormonal. It is hard to keep a coat on a female aussie if they are still in tact, not spayed. If she is spayed and not hormonal it is most probably seasonal.
Don't worry I bet she has a gorgeous coat in a few months.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

I have a 16 month old pup that just shed her puppy coat out, too, and she looks naked. She was a furball before this. I remember that her mom and sister did the same thing before their adult coats came in and eventually Bryn will look beautiful again. The shedding season has been strange here in the northern midwest. We had a very cold spring so that shedding didn't start until just recently. Soon they will be growing their coats back even though they just blew it all. I can assure you that your pup is normal.

Re: Thin coat
by: Anonymous

You do not mention whether or not your aussie is spayed. If she is spayed, this could be a thyroid problem, a hormonal imbalance, or just naturally losing puppy coat etc. This is about the time the puppy coat will shed out and the adult coat will come in. If she is not spayed, most female dogs will lose almost all of their hair when they come into heat. Just about the time her hair gets pretty, full and thick, she will come into heat and it will thin out again.

thinning coat on 7 year old aussie
by: bev

Kenda has always been a high maintenance dog--LOVE her dearly . She stays inside and I use scissors to trim her alittle so she doesn't shred so bad She has thinning hair on her sides and back toward her tail area--Yes he's has been spayed and they don't blood test and said that she does have thyroid issues but she is taking a(thyrosyn)--1mm--a day--all natural food--vitamin- don't know what to do next any ideas anyone???

Im worry
by: Anonymous

My female aussie is 15 month old' and Im very worry because one week away has been losing lots of hair. I have seen even thinner due the amount of hair she has lost. Is this normal at her age ?

Intact male mini
by: cre8urbliss

My blue merle is nearly 1 year old and he too has been shedding and thinning. I do not use a furminator, just a regular dog brush. Most of his undercoat appears to have disappeared throughout his torso. His littermate/sister is a red tri and does not show any signs of having the same symptoms. Same diet, same routine. Reading through other responses I’m thinking it may be related to him still being intact? His sister was spayed a couple months ago. We too had a long cool spring and just now have been getting warmer temperatures.

Shedding Like Crazy
by: Debbie

I just filled a bathroom trash can with my 13 month old Australian Shepherd/Border Collie’s hair by brushing her! I was worried too!

Thinning top coat
by: Anonymous

Tucker is 2 years. He has always had a silky top coat. Lately the coat on his hind legs has thinned to wisps. Why did this happen? Should I seek medical help or is it something I can handle at home? Will his hair return to its original silk? This is not the undercoat which is amazing how much we gather after brushing!

3 year old aussie
by: emily

My dog's hair is thinning like crazy it looks like she was shaved or something. Every time I pat her clumps of her hair is in my hand. I noticed her coat was thinning in September, it's November now and I'm a little concerned. If winter's coming shouldn't her coat get thicker, not thinner? Should I bring her to the vet?

Aussie coat
by: Anonymous

You should not be using a Furminator brush on her!!! You need use a slicker brush or pin brush, essentially you’ve been striping all her beautiful coat. Also you can have an intact female or male and have a beautiful coat. I have shown in AKC and ASCA with both female and male dogs and yes they will blow coat and then it grows back. You just need to take good care of it and I’d recommend some coat supplements and high quality shampoo like Isle of Dogs with royal jelly.

My Aussie losing hair
by: Anonymous

I have a 2 yr old mini black tri and she recently had a litter of puppies. After the weaned off I noticed she was still very underweight. I kept her in a mix of puppy and high protein for active dogs adult food. She has started gaining weight back but her hair is falling out now. Her tail look like a short hair and she’s always had beautiful thick coat. I b can lightly pay her back and long full strands come out of her coat. She’s not spayed. She happy energetic, eating well, normal potty trips and droppings. I don’t know what to do. My dogs are not just pets they’re my service pals and I worry for her deeply her personality is completely normal.

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