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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Thinning Fur / Vaccines

by Linda

Saddie & Mika

Saddie & Mika

I have 2 mini Aussies, brother and sister. Just turned 1 year old. I've noticed in the past few weeks their fur (especially the male) is thinning out. Especially on the chest, tummy areas. I was wondering if it's from losing their winter coats? They don't feel as soft as they did over the winter. Feels more like guard hair. Maybe I'm just used to that cute soft fluffy puppy fur. They both had a lot of fleas suddenly a couple weeks back. They are now on flea prevention.

I feed them Life's Abundance and mix it with Blue Buffalo. I also add sliced raw carrots and apples in the morning (They love that!) I just don't know if I should be concerned about this. Their next vet visit is in August for yearly vaccines.

Oh speaking of.. What's your opinion on vaccines? Should it be done yearly or every 3 years? I've read NOT to do it yearly! Now I'm on the fence, don't know which way to go.

Thank you for any suggestions!

Comments for Thinning Fur / Vaccines

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

They are shedding out their puppy coats for the summer.

You can take titers rather than giving shots. My girls are vaccinated yearly because it is a requirement for therapy dog certification. Most of my dogs have lived way into their teens with yearly vaccinations. The 1st 2 years of vaccines are really important, though. They need boosters in their 2nd year.

Thinning Fur/Vaccines
by: Carol

I noticed aggression, rough coat, weight gain and then thinning coat. After blood work, we found my 6 year old Aussie male (neutered) has a thyroid problem. The aggression has not totally stopped but is much better, the coat is softer and has grown back in, as well as a substantial weight loss. He always has his vaccines as it is a law.

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