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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Third Female?

by Nancy

We already have 2 females… one is 7 the other is almost a year. They get on well enough but they aren't thick as thieves.

We are thinking of getting a third dog, a puppy, Aussie/Heeler mix. We'd like another female, they have such sweet temperaments but I'm wondering if 3 females in one house isn't asking for trouble.

Due to the high cost of spay/neuter in this area we have not had it done on these 2 and probably won't with #3. Please tell me its going to be ok. I'm home with them all day and I do train them and keep them busy.

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Third Female
by: Nonnie

We have two female 2 year old Aussies, one female ten year old teacup poodle, and one female ten month old Maltese.

Our toughest one is the puppy. She is fearless and our Aussies are 30 lbs and 20 lbs. The teacup is no problem, she is a diva dog and weighs 4.5 lbs!! We have had to make sure that the other dogs KNOW that she is the alpha dog.

Good luck!

3rd female
by: Anonymous

Don't know about getting a 3rd dog, I often wondered about that myself. I got 2 dogs at the same time when they were 6 weeks old and they get along fine. Check the Humane Society - I got my dogs spayed in Ohio for $65.00/ea.

3 Females
by: Anne

I have 3 female Aussies, 1 is 13 yrs, 1 is 10yrs and 1 is 6 years old. A puppy will be coming into our lives soon.
They should do okay but remember that the Heeler in the Aussie/Heeler mix will be head strong and stubborn.
They should do fine together.
Good Luck!!

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

Third Female
by: Laurie

Were getting our 5th dog. Yup 5th. We have 3 miniture pinschers, my baby the texas heeler, our 5th will be coming Aug 24th 100% aussie. Were really excited to get her.
Our pins were truck dogs but, are now full time @ home.
Their do well together. Have to admit its taken time....about 3 months now but, were co-habitating fine all together. Immediately set the boundries for the pup. Their smart.
Best of luck to you.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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