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To Crate? Or Not To Crate?
by Kate
I am going to be a first time Aussie owner in 2 weeks! We are a family of 4 (children ages 6, and 15), we live on 4 acres, and I work from home. I have read a TON of articles, blogs, and info from breeders and I feel like I am getting mixed answers on when and if to crate train my puppy. Since I work from home, the ONLY reason that I feel its necessary to crate train our puppy is for the semi rare occasions that we have to leave him—doctors appointments, family outings, etc. Some things that I have read say to let the pup sleep outside of his crate near or with a family member. Is that better? Or is that the answer if you are planning to crate the puppy during normal working hours during the day? And if so, how will the pup be in his crate when I AM home, and he can hear my voice in the house? Or... is it necessary to crate train him at all? Since someone will USUALLY be here with him, is he going to be more prone to separation anxiety when we DO leave him???