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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Toy Size



I have a 16 week "toy" sized Aussie who is already 15 lbs. I guess he probably be a mini instead. How much did your 4 month (16 week) old Aussie weigh for comparison. By the way, he is an awesome dog and I love him regardless!

Note from Anton: Australian Shepherds and Miniature Australian Shepherds are considered separate breeds. More information here.

Comments for Toy Size

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by: Anonymous

oh, he is adorable! We have a toy also. He is 8 months now, and weighs 20 pounds, I think at 16 weeks, he weighed about 9 pounds. perhaps yours will be a mini instead, but that's fine too. either way, they are all great! we had, had a standard before, but he passed away; so then we got the toy, in hopes he would be a good companion for my daughters Chichuhua...hasn't quite worked that way yet, but hey are making progress. enjoy your boy!!

Toy Aussie Size and weight
by: Rip

I have a Toy Aussie (male) and his 4 month weight was 6 pounds.
Rip is now 6 months old and his weight is 8 pounds with a height at the wither of 11 inches.
A true Toy Aussie can not be above 14 inches at the wither. Weight fluctuates depending on your feeding habits and not a good guide in determining whether you have a Toy, Mini, or Standard Australian Shepherd.
I do believe you have a mini, but you will love your fur baby no matter his size. Aussies are smart and their love is unconditional.
Hope this helps you in size comparison and have a Merry Christmas.

Mini or Toy Shepard
by: Anonymous

I have a Mini Australian Shepard (well that is what I was told) he was born August 14th, 2023 and he will be 7 months this month and he only weights 10lbs. Is that a normal weight for a Mini Australian Shepard cuz of all what I was reading he should be like 20lb or more then when I read about. Toy Miniature Australian Shepard he is around the same weight. I am looking for someone that can tell me what breed I have.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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