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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Trey Chic!!!

by Denise
(Cranberry Twp PA USA)

I'm So

I'm So "Trey" Chic

1, 2, Trey!!! Three colors......that was an easy name to pick......except Trey is a female and that's why she is sooooo Trey (tres) Chic.

Trey came to our home as a pup via a Canfield, Ohio breeder. She picked my son. There were other Aussie puppies in the litter but our girl, Trey, made her way over to my then 10 year old son and nibbled on his toes and immediately tried to engage him in play - he fell in love with her. The rest is history!!! My son is now 17 and he and Trey still have that special bond.

Like all Aussies, she is loyal, gentle and has a million facial expressions. She has never had pups (breeder agreement) but would have made an Aussome mommy.

No health problems.....she is seven now and still plays like a puppy. She and our kitty are best buds.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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