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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Trimming Butt Hair

My question concerns the long, thick hair that many Aussies have on their rear ends and the backs of their hind legs. I understand the AKC "fluffy dog" fans like this in the show ring but in the real world it's a pain for dog and owner as it gets full of sticks, burrs, etc.

So... If I trim that hair regularly will it start growing back weird (really fine and frizzy)? The dog pros and groomers I've talked to are split about 50/50 on this. Opinions, especially from any of you folks that have done it, would be appreciated. Thanks

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Trimming Butt Hair
by: Kathy

We trim our Aussie's back end several times a year. It grows back faster than you think!

I like both looks but honestly, when it gets to a certain length, it looks straggely. Also when it is shorter, the area is cleaner.

I would trim once and if you like it, keep it up. If not, let it grow out.

Trim or thin those pants
by: Rob

We have two natural dock tail Aussies. My partner does all the washing and brushing duties (labour of love) and she runs a detangling/thinning comb through the pants and rear end to keep it at a manageable length. It grows back just fine. lol

We do on some, not on others
by: Martha

We had three Aussies (sadly just lost our lover boy two weeks ago). Two of them have beautiful pants that tend to be clean and neat so we leave them alone. But one of our guys just cannot seem to get a proper "tuck" when he goes potty and can be quite a mess. So when they go to the groomers he gets a "poop chute". It keeps him clean and attractive. It always has grown back by his next grooming 4 weeks later.

Trimming Butt Hair
by: Anonymous

I was wondering about that myself. I tried to let it go untrimmed for awhile but it looked like an old man’s beard hanging from his butt. I just trimmed it and it looks much nicer.

Aussie’s bum area or pants hair texture
by: Anonymous

My Aussie's hair texture is different than the rest of hair. Is this normal? I always have him groomed but decided to do this myself. Never noticed this type of texture on any other breed before.

butt hair
by: Teresa

I just keep her skirt trimmed but leave it kind of long. I never cut the hair around her docked tail, don't want to see her butt.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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