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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Trucker, Gone But Not Forgotten

by Melissa Perkins

Trucker was the most handsome Australian Shepherd I've ever known. He was my Mom's faithful and goofy companion. He always put a smile on your face. He will always be loved and remembered.

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Apr 23, 2018
Dogs don't live long enough
by: Molly and Dave

I am sorry for your loss. I very nearly lost our 5 year old Aussie this spring when he fell into an open lead in the river and couldn't get out. I had to run out there and pull him out or he would have been sucked under. Couldn't have lived with myself to see that!

All dogs, but particularly Aussies are so tough to let go of when the time comes. Maybe it is their intelligence and loyalty, but I believe it is their big hearts that make it so hard.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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