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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Trying To Breed My Aussie

by Sue Hodgman
(Union Center, SD)

First, yes, I am a 1st time backyard breeder, I have a wonderful Aussie (she is 3) that we want to breed to a Border Collie. But she wants nothing to do with the male. She will not stand for him and yet she is in full standing heat. (We have a mixed breed intact male at home and she stood for him when he was at her hip.)

Currently she is in the house and they are not together. Patty is a awesome cattle dog and the male is also a great working dog. We have all the puppies spoken for if she will take. But I am confused as to how we can encourage her to allow him to mount. IF anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

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by: jcrply

Maybe he's just not her type! :-)

Seriously, she may just not be ready yet. She knows when she's ready. A knowledgeable veterinarian can take an Ovulation Smear to see what stage she's at. Or you can try checking appearance yourself. The discharge color should have changed from light pink to clear or straw colored. The swelling is down and the vulva appears dry or harder on edges. The knot at the top of the vulva is very soft like butter. She will stand solid and elevate her rear. Wear disposable gloves and touch the vulva. There will be motion. Touch the "knot" at the top of the vulva and it will flex and be soft like "butter."

Aussie breeding
by: Anonymous

I know of a few breeders that do artificial insemination take it from the male and insert it in the female.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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