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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Turning In Circles Before Going Out A Door And Before Coming In A Door

by Jen

We just got a 7+ month old male red merle who I have recently noticed has to turn in at least one circle before he will go outside through a door or go inside through a door. Is this a normal behavior? Not sure what started this, he also has a slight problem with going down stairs, no problem going up them though. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Circling dog owner.

Comments for Turning In Circles Before Going Out A Door And Before Coming In A Door

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round and round she goes
by: Terry

We are blessed to have a 2 yr old red merle name of Sadie. We got her at 2 months and she has been going round and round ever since. There are time she will twirl herself all the way across the deck which is 20 feet and there are times when we walk to get the paper, which is about 150 feet, that she will twirl all the way out and back. She can jump and do a 360 in the air.

She is 100% in love with life and celebrates it 24/7. She is the apple of her Daddy's eye...

Cricket's circles
by: Mary

It's the craziest but cutest thing. I don't know why our 6 year old turns in circles at some stops and before going into the house. It's as if he has to get a full perspective of his surroundings before venturing forth.

Dog turns in circles before it goes through a door
by: Doug

I have a 6 year old minature collie and lately she has started turning circles before she goes out or comes in. Im stumped

It's weird
by: Anonymous

I have a 10 yr old shiba enu and it's weird that she does that too. I have no idea why, but every time, and I do mean every time, she must spin in at least one circle before going out doors. Coming in, not as often, but always going out. In fact, we have a doggie door and today it was so cute because she stuck her through, pulled it out, spun around, and did that two more times before deciding to go through. Maybe some dogs have OCD idk

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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