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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

UKC or AKC For Agility?


I want to enter a faulted dog, in agility. She's faulted because one of her ears sticks straight up. I'm not too competitive and looking for fun, not awards or anything, so I was wondering about what club to enter her in. Between number of agility competitions in Southern California, price, non-competitiveness, and funnest obstacles, should I enter UKC or AKC? And with that, can you please give me a list of obstacles the will have in beginner, intermediate, and advanced trials?

Thanks so much,
Pepper's Owner

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Comments for UKC or AKC For Agility?

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

I have competed in both UKC and AKC. UKC is lots of fun with people who actually cheer and applaud when you finish your run. It is a great way to start a new dog. UKC is more about control and can be as competitive as you want it to be, but is more about you and your dog having fun. AKC can be highly competitive, but also fun. You just need to ignore some of highly competitive handlers and just enjoy the quality time you spend with your dog. Attend some shows and ask questions before you decide. There are other groups out there, too. CPE is lots of fun. Novice classes are very easy and relaxed. There is also ASCA and NADAC agility and I have shown in all of these venues. It's all about having fun with your best friend.

by: Peppers owner

Thanks! I'm not in it for competitiveness, just for fun, so I'm probably going to do UKC. Thanks again!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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