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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Unexpected Death Of Aussie

by Chowning

Just lost my 6 y/o Aussie. No warning. All seemed normal. Went into dog house, something he never did, went to sleep and did not wake up. I have two other mixed breed dogs, both older and no problems. Wondering if anything genetic possible?

Comments for Unexpected Death Of Aussie

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My condolances
by: Richard Bryant

Sorry for your loss, you must be devastated. Our Jackson passed at 10, we could see he may be having trouble and during checkup was determined cancer of some sort. Test proved tumor in his heart and given a week or so to live. We took him home and he got the best of everything for several days. On the day that we had decided it was like he knew. He went off to a corner of the yard he did not normally go and laid down. You could see he was taking it all in and saying it was time. We took him to vet which has dog park with pool. He loved water and the pool. He took his last swim and then we took the pain away.......................

we were told not genetic, we have three other Aussies from same breeder. Zoey is now going on 11 and healthy.

6.5 year old
by: Wendy

I lost my 6.5 year old to Leukemia. I didn't know she was sick until she was on a antibiotic for a pulled toe nail. She was throwing up and I thought it was the antibiotic so we changed meds. She stopped eating and rushed her back to the Vet when I noticed her gums were pale. Blood work and bone marrow test showed it was leukemia. She was very active and played Frisbee everyday so I had no clue she was so sick.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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