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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Very Dominant Aussie Pup Still Not Potty Trained And Shows Signs Of Aggression

by Ashton
(Columbia, Mo)

Nakiya at 4 months!

Nakiya at 4 months!

Me and my boyfriend got our 5 month old female Aussie at 8 weeks! She's a beautiful dog but we never asked about her temperament. When we got her we noticed she was not shy at all but very dominant, she came from a small litter of four so we figured her attitude was from being the dominant puppy in her litter. We also have a 3 year old male lab (best dog in the world and very submissive).

We began training her at day one. We never let her be the first one to do anything far as eat or go outside so she would learn that we were alpha and she was the last one in our pack. At first when we would hold her on her back she would freak out and try to bite. She finally figured out that we weren't doing her harm and calmed down when we hold her. We also made sure she was comfortable with physical touch rubbing on her ears, nose, teeth, and paws. Because of her temperament we made sure to never play fight with her or play tug a war instead we play games like fetch which she loves or go hiking.

We have crate trained her from day one and will kennel up when asked we always put her in her crate at night, she also understands commands like sit, lay, and shake. We make her sit before we give her anything or let her outside. The biggest issue has been potty training. The first method I used to train her was positive reinforcement when she used the restroom outside we would go "yay potty outside and be excited" and if she used the restroom in the house or we caught her in the act we would say "no" and take her outside to finish but she still continued to mess up in the house about twice a day sometimes even after we had sat outside and waited for her to go.

Finally at four months and after a ruined carpet we started rubbing her nose in it, spanking her and telling her "no" then putting her outside. Since I've been spanking her she started to get it a little better by only using the house every other day and sometimes going two or three day without going in the house. Now at 5 months she is starting to pee on objects like blankets and our lab's dog bed. This last week when we've been scolding her she has been yelping and trying to bite and fight back. Even though we aren't harming her because we don't spank her hard. I feel like she will never be potty trained... and worried about her aggressive dominance which only shows now when we get on to her.

She has been the hardest most dominant puppy I have ever trained and I've never had trouble before with my other dogs in the past. She does love people and is great when people come over other then just being really excited. On a positive note our training has paid off when she's with other dogs when she was little she would try to climb on top of other dogs and dominate them and now she rolls over on her back and is totally submissive with them. Do you have any advice or tips I could use!

Housetraining Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Very Dominant Aussie Pup Still Not Potty Trained And Shows Signs Of Aggression

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potty training
by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

"A rolled up newspaper can be an effective training tool when used properly. For instance: use the rolled up newspaper if your dog chews something or has a housebreaking accident. Take the rolled up newspaper and hit yourself over the head as you repeat the phrase, "I FORGOT TO WATCH MY DOG, I FORGOT TO WATCH MY DOG." If your dog laughs when you do this, praise him."
When a dog consistently has housetraining problems, she has too much freedom in the house. You need to keep your dog near you at all times and WATCH her. When she looks like she is going to eliminate, take her outside. PRAISE HER and give her something really yummy to eat. If you catch her going in the house, grab her and say NO and take her outside.
I had a very difficult time reading about your training methods. Yes, she is a dog, but she deserves respect as a living being. Hopefully, you can get her into a positive reinforcement training class where she can thrive and you can both be happy. Check out for positive training tips. You can also email me privately at

Dominant puppy
by: Anne

When you have taken her to the vet she has no bladder problems? Has she been spayed recently?
Maybe it is a physical issue with her pottying in the house.
Coming from a litter of 5 puppies really doesn't have anything to do with it.
How exactly do you potty train her?
Because she is dominant, she will constantly test that against your authority.
Be firm but don't spank her. Have you ever watched the dog whisperer... Cesar Milan? He is awesome with just a touch, like their momma would do, the dog snaps out of the behavior it is doing.
It is Calm assertive energy that works.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

Start all over again.
by: Anonymous

Aussies are very smart dogs and can be trained quite easily. It's the owners that usually need the most work. LOL! Bottom line is you have not potty trained your dog.

I would suggest you start your potty training from square 1. If she is peeing in the house it is because she has not been fully trained yet. Go back to the positive reinforcement method. Take her outside every hour and after she eats or drinks. When she pees outside give her lots of praise and a treat. If she doesn't pee - just bring her back in and wait an hour. Scolding or hitting her will only teach her to hide where she pees - ie blankets, dog beds. Hitting your dog will only make her aggressive and untrusting. When she pees in the house don't scold her - just pick her up and put her outside to finish. When she does - praise & treat. Also make sure to clean the offended area thoroughly to eliminate any odor as the smell will reinforce this as an area to use.
Dogs can take up to a year to fully house train. Be patient. If you can't be there to supervise put her in her crate. She may have too much freedom for now.

Potty training
by: Anonymous

I can only speak from my own experience with 2 Aussies. They were easy to potty train because I just did not give them opportunities to potty in the house. You may need to start over. When I got the Aussie I have now, the routine was as follows: out of the crate to potty spot in the yard, use the potty spot, play inside the house briefly, back into the crate; repeat. I took her outside about every 90 minutes and several times during the night. Within three weeks she was fully trained, having peed in the house a total of five times and never having pooped in the house. I continued to take her outside very often but gradually increased the time, but after the initial three weeks she never soiled inside the house. No punishments. This takes a LOT of your time and dedication, but wow does it ever pay off.

Been there
by: Sara

For the first time in my life, I had trouble house training our second Aussie pup. She just wouldn't get it and didn't seem to care, either. We believe she came from a puppy mill buthe to me, that was no excuse for her stubbornness.
One day, our grown and wonderful female Aussie took over. We had been taking the pup outside alone. When we sent her out with our big girl, the light bulb went on and our problem was cured. Apparently it takes an Aussie to teach an Aussie sometimes.
Our grown girl continues to teach the pup household etiquette even though the pup is now two years old. She remains stubborn and difficult to handle. With "Mama dog's" help, we hope the youngster will eventually become a great dog. And yes, she did go to obedience class. She learned "touch" and drove me to hip replacement surgery, bless her heart.

a total fix
by: cheryl

I'll take that pup off your hands!

Aussie lab mix response to house breaking
by: Billie

It was very difficult to read your post when you said you started to rub her nose in it and hit her.
I have bred Aussie lab mixes and I have had at one time 9 puppies in my house and I have to say there are always one or two that are more difficult to train or just don't seem to mind punishment. These are the puppies that I crate train. I use the crate method as a last resort because these dogs are extremely intelligent and most of puppies were housebroken by 2 -3 months, many by the time I rehomed them.
I don't want to sound like a know it all or that I have smarter dogs. I have found that some pups just need more restricted environments like keep him or her in just the kitchen or utility room. This is not cruel or mean. It's a lot better than hitting him or rubbing his nose in urine which I find abusive and useless.
Try to remember this- a dog can hold its urine 1 hour for every month of age. And you need to take them out every hour until they are trained. Maybe a professional could give you some more insight.

Dean lazarus
by: Anonymous

Can't see how old this post is but I've say your doing alright.lots of love .lots of exercising a lot your other breed is passive your used to that.same as people were all a little different but I yelled at my girlgirl one and I mean one time opened the door said outside never went inside again.if it senses you are agitated this may be it.does she follow you does she worry if your not in the same room.I'm the alpha she waits in driveway until I'm home rain or shine and sits by the bedroom and bathroom doors until I emerge.lots of love constant attention exercise. The key to a happy aussi.I hate dogs in cages even at the groomers I wait for her.she would thrive here
Treat her like a child.

by: Anonymous

I know this may sound cliche, but how much time are you spending one-on-one exercising this puppy outside? Exercise is pretty much the key to every behavior issue with Aussies. Take her out on a leash every hour and immediately after she eats to the same place every time for pottying. Then reward her with hugs, praise, and a treat, but most importantly with your time. Pottying issues can be her way of getting your attention in a negative way, but she may not care, as long as she gets your attention. Aussies are great dogs, the best when it comes to obedience and companionship, but they demanding dogs of our time. When they don’t get their required amount of activity and attention, then they find ways to let you know they are not happy with you. If nothing else let her outside in a fenced in yard, and watch her play or throw a ball for her to retrieve, something that involves you with her moving.

Exercise again
by: Anonymous

By rubbing her nose in her poop, you may be inadvertently teaching her to eat her poop. I would not do that, and it is just not the right way to train her.

thinking theres only your way to discipline a dog
by: Anonymous

good thing the person who suggested hitting yourself woth a newspaper isnt anyone important. we have to realizae that whether its something you or not, this doesnt mean its wrong. im sorry but if my dog is 5-7 months and wont stop peeing in the house i sure am going to pop it with a newspaper, if you instantly see abuse then thats a you problem. as for dog messes inside being the owners fault is extremely funny and inaccurate, ive literally watched my dog start pissing right in the kitchen 5 minutes after she was outside.

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