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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Weight and Food

by Gail
(Raeford, NC)

My dog is 83 lbs and had a seizure last week, are these related and what is a good food to feed?

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hope this helps
by: Anonymous

we give ours a natural, holistic food (NEVER COMMERICAL FOOD YOU CAN BUY AT A SUPERMARKET OR WALMART, ETC.) ours is: Taste of the wild. they have one with Bison and Venison, good for dogs with sensativities and allergies (which can trigger seizures). we alternate with that one and a roasted salmon that they also offer(omega 3's are important). If you can find a holistic vet I would go there(make sure they are legit), and see about liver supplements and or a detox. we had to go this route with our boy Luke, who also suffered form epilepsy seizures. Luke weighed a good 65 pounds, and I thought he was a bit overweight, so I would think if yours is 83, a diet would help. I know its not always easy, but exercise is best, even if you put him on a tread mill for say 15-30 minutes aday (work it gradually of course). I don;t know how often you feed him, but of its more than 2x a day, cut back one. I also don't know what portion size you are giving him, but if it's more than a cup and a half for each meal, cut back. don't give too many treats, and if you do, try to give healthy ones, like carrots, celery sticks, etc. (NEVER GIVE RAISONS, OR GRAPES).
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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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