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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Weight of Australian Shepherd Puppy

by Angela Wetzelaer
(Northbridge, Mass)

I have an 18 week old regular size Austrailian Shepard. She weighs 20 lbs. Is that under weight. She was getting two thirds a cup of food 3x day. Now I give her 1 cup 3x day.

Comments for Weight of Australian Shepherd Puppy

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Aussie puppy weight
by: Marilyn

Are you reading what the dog food manufacturer suggests you feed? There is always a suggested amount on the bags of food. What dog food are you using? Puppy or adult? All foods are different, and all foods give you a guideline amount to feed for that particular food, based on projected adult weight. Please take the time to read the available information in this website on "quality & ingredients" in todays processed pet food. Many of them are unhealthy & shouldn't be fed to 'anything'. 3 cups a day for a puppy of any dog food seems alot to me, but read the instructions on the bag. The suggested amount, say 2 to 4 cups daily for a 40 to 60 lb (at adult weight) dog would be 2 cups for 40lb 3 cups for 50lbs 4 cups for 60lbs.

Re:Aussie weight
by: Kym

It is always wise to read the guidelines on the bag and use them as JUST THAT! Not every dog/puppy is going to need that exact amount. Use your best judgement and make regular visits to your vet. Mine allows us to drop by any time and weigh our dogs(and get a doggy treat,which helps avoid being afraid of vets) If your dog is very active (which aussies are) then he/she will obviously need more food,less active,less food. Also make sure you feed the best possible PUPPY food possible. We all have our favorites,but do your research. Whether it be all natural,no grains, etc. you are the ultimate desision maker for your puppy. Good luck with your baby! Hope this helps.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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