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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

What Are The Differences Between NSDR, ASCA, AKC, Etcetera?

by Skyler

Can someone please explain to me the significance and differences of NSDR, ASCA, AKC, etcetera? I'm looking to buy a standard Aussie and I'd really like to understand everything about the pups I'm looking at and all the information about them before I do anything permanently.

Any insight would be extremely helpful and appreciated!

Comments for What Are The Differences Between NSDR, ASCA, AKC, Etcetera?

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by: Cpcc

I do not patronize AKC because of a few horror stories I have heard about how they treat non AKC breeders. They try to go in as potential buyers and then make up false accusations pertaining to the non AKC breeder. There was a lawsuit against a couple AKC and county as well as state officials in NC for unlawful confiscation of one non AKC breeders entire line of Aussies. They ended up killing over 30 dogs and stealing the money for selling the others. The problem was they were able to get a relative that was a judge to sign a warrant to take the dogs before they ever went into the facility. Also a local tv crew was there to televise the arrest of the breeder before the cops showed up. The AKC officials posed as potential buys and purchased two pups after the warrant was signed by a judge but yet the warrant was based on what they supposedly witnessed when they purchased the puppies. Now the AKC official, the animal control agent, and the judge who signed the warrant (all of whom are related by blood or marriage) are being or have already been sued in civil court. The judge and the animal control agent both resigned their positions and are under investigation for illegal search and seizure of property. The breeder had 40+ aussies but he had them in clean kennels on 20+ acres of land. He has been falsely accused but has lost the Aussie bloodline he had worked for years to acquire. Therefore, any AKC dogs that I acquire now, get registered with CKC or national stock dog registries.

by: Anonymous

For starters, although I don't agree with everything written in it, this webpage gives a good overview.

(NSDR)ASCA- Australian Shepherd Club of America- the original Aussie group, formed in the early 50s to recognize and promote what was then just a type of farm dog. Instead of forming their own registry (then), they approached the existing English shepherd registry, IESR (or NSDR). The proprietor agreed, making NSDR the original Aussie registry. Many people never moved past them. Sadly, they seem to have not made the adjustment to modern technology and seem to be fading away. NSDR dogs will most likely be working dogs, off the farm or a few generations from it, though they may also be from puppy mill type setups (seen it). They do allow 'hardshipping' in of decent unregistered dogs, which frankly is not a totally bad thing. They were until recently the most commonly used registry by actual working ranches and farms. No frills and no fuss, and where you could perhaps best find a true old fashioned Aussie.

ASCA is the group that set the true breed standard, NOT AKC. They're the stewards when the breed was coming up and gaining notice in the US and abroad. They started their own registration services in the 70s, folding in a splinter group (IASA) that had started it's own registry a few years earlier. As a group they have worked hard to maintain the breed as a working as well as show/companion dog, although that division started under their stewardship. ASCA dogs will have DNA verified backgrounds for a few generations now; until fairly recently you could hardship in NSDR dogs that met approval, which was a good thing too bad it ended. Their dogs may in general be the most balanced, though there is a strong element of working breeders here, sometimes breeding for trialing not actual work and resulting in a higher strung dog without an off switch. Many show breeders are here too, though many (most?) jumped to AKC. They never seem to have caught on with puppy millers, and to me are the mark of the most serious and conscientious Aussie breeder.

AKC- another splinter group of show fanciers approached the AKC for breed recognition and got it in the early 90s. Unfortunately, when they opened their books pretty much anything could and did get in, including plenty of mixes (once again was there and saw it) and if you're a size purist lots of minis and toys. Puppy millers were quick to switch to them, since AKC is the group with the most public recognition and the one most at the time were using anyhow for their other breeds. Under them the breed has changed to what often seems more like a Golden retriever in merle fur. They have emphasized conformation showing, and the obedience folks flock here. They have in recent years tightened things up making it harder for puppy millers, but they still have their share of them.

ASDR- a group formed fairly recently, mirroring in some ways NSDR, and with their embrace of modern life overtaking them. Most of the NSDR people seem to have jumped to ASDR. Most of the things said about NSDR dogs and breeders would be true here. They would be my probable second choice of a registry. They will hardship in decent unregistered dogs, and will dual register dogs from some other registries.

UKC- don't see many UKC Aussies, but they would be the competitor for second place. They emphasize a dog's performance ability, and UKC dogs have most likely been bred for obedience or agility. I've never seen puppy mills to use them.

by: Anonymous

CKC- Canadian Kennel Club is a legitimate organization comparable to AKC. CKC- Continental Kennel Club is considered a disreputable registry that is no proof of anything, including breed and parentage. It is a definite favorite of puppy mills. You may end up with a decent dog from them (many people used them to flout breeding restrictions placed by the breeders of pups they purchased), it may be obviously not even an Aussie. ACA/ICA is similar, as is APRI, NPR etc. Many of these groups formed when AKC started cracking down on puppy mills and the millers needed some source of registration to be able to sell their pups for top dollar. (ACA/ICA may be a bit more legitimate than the others)

ASCA Registry Requirements
by: Jimmie

Australian Shepherd Club of America, known as ASCA. Regulates that all parents before breeding has to be DNA tested which keep ASCA purebreds. No other registry requires it on Australian Shepherds. I believe AKC is too lenient, and they cover too many breeds. Today it’s very hard to find ASCA registered litters. When I ask her made it a requirement on the DNA. It strengthen the breed.

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