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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

What Is A Good Flea Treatment To Use?

by Nancy
(Federal Way, WA)

I'm looking for a flea treatment that isn't harmful or as harmful as most. I live in Washington State and it has stayed warmer this year longer than usual. I feel like when I use these I'm poisoning my dog. I use the liquid ones from the vet that go down the back like "advantage". Does anyone know of anything better and less costly? Thanks, Nanc

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by: Anonymous

If you want to avoid chemicals entirely, it will take a bit of work. Personally I feel it is worth it. Flea comb your dog every day. Vacuum the floors at least once a week. Use human food grade diatomaceous earth on carpet and even on dog if you see fleas. There are herbal flea repellents that you can put on your dog when going out for a walk where there may be fleas and ticks. When you bathe your dog, leave the shampoo on the dog for about 5 minutes before rinsing and it will kill fleas on the dog. Rinse off the shampoo and then pour on a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (half and half) which is also a flea repellent and happens to be great for the skin and hair. Then a final rinse. GOOGLE "non-toxic flea control" and you will find lots of recommendations.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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