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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

What Is The Best Way To Train My Aussie Not To Chase Joggers, Bikers, Etc.?

by Christina
(Los Angeles)

I have a 6 month old Australian Shepherd and when I take her to the local park and let her off leash she plays great with other dogs but the moment she sees a runner she bolts after them and starts barking and jumping up on them. This also happens when we go hiking. I ALWAYS carry treats on me and use our recall to get her back and it works 70% of the time but I wish she just would not run after them at all. What is the best way to train your Aussie that herding people is not okay?

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herding everything that moves...
by: Denise

Hi there,I feel your pain, same issue with my dog .We tried treats rewarding , make him sit , to be frank nothing really worked until someone here at board suggested a book by the Monks
how to train your best friend. We did as the book suggested to shake him that's how their mother punishes a very naughty puppy . It worked he got so surprised by our unhappy reaction that he got the idea that its not cool to chase joggers anymore. Bikers we are still on the process and with skaters it seems he won't ever stop going after them ...

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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