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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

What To Do After My Australian Shepherd Was Practically Shaved By A Professional Groomer?

by Ann

Before and after collage

Before and after collage

Our "Beauty" a 6-year-old Australian Shepherd was taken to the groomer that has records on her and groomed her less than 2 months ago, practically shaved her down. (A Lab has longer hair.)

We have a meeting with the hospital that this groomer is in connection with this morning. Beauty was not matted nor has she ever been to the degree she needed to be cut. Nonetheless, our concern is the future outcome from this devastating incident by the groomer.

I have read that her coat will probably never be the same shining soft coat as before and that's if it ever grows back if at all. So devasted. She is kept indoors except for her playing time and morning and evening walks.

We live in Southern California but will be moving to Arizona by the end of November. This couldn't have happened at the worst time. I have read to watch out for skin problems, anxiety etc.

Is there anything we can do to maybe help her coat grow back normally or what we need to watch out for?

Anything will be helpful as we feel helpless on how this could've happened by a professional certified groomer.

Thank you.

Note from the Editor:
We have written an in-depth article on this topic that we recommend you read for more info about shaving your Aussie. You can find it here:

Shaving an Australian Shepherd: The Great Debate

Comments for What To Do After My Australian Shepherd Was Practically Shaved By A Professional Groomer?

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shave my aussie?
by: John griffin

We would shave ours every June and let it grow back naturally. We live on 35 acres of woods in northern MI and Camilla would be out most of the day, then come in at night. By Sept it was about grown back and her leg feathers and ruff were filling in. In winter she stayed mostly indoors and her coat would be perfect by Nov. Bottom line, I don't think shaving hurt a thing and she was always beautiful all winter, (RIP Camilla @ 13.5 yrs.)

Your Aussie will be okay
by: Anonymous

I wouldn't worry too much about the coat not coming back, it is a possibility for sure, but in all likelihood, your pup should get its full coat back no problem. It would be pretty rare for that to happen the first time its ever been shaved, not saying that it couldn't happen, but I have shaved my Aussie (usually about 4-6 inches) a few times, due to the oppressive Phoenix heat, and have never had an issue with her coat coming back.

Their hair grows back
by: Aussie Mom

My 2 babies, Jed and Elly, are 3 years old, we live on a 100 acres in Texas so trust me when I say they can get into a lot of dirt to bring back into the house. I tolerated it for several years, brushed them constantly, bathed as often as possible but so much hair to dry and the sweeping and vacuuming every single day to keep the hair cleaned up is very time consuming... I was always told and read that you never cut an Aussies hair, it never grows back the same... about a year and a half ago I just said I don't care, they have to have a good trim, I'll love them even if they never have all that hair back, and I've been having them groomed every 3 months since, its definitely short, and the first time I kinda freaked but I learned then that their hair does grown back, and fast, lol, and it think it really makes them feel better also. It's so much easier to bathe them in between groomer visits too. By the time they go back to be groomed almost all the hair is grown back and long again, but the shorter hair definitely cuts back my daily cleaning time, makes life much easier for me and they seem to not care anyway. These 2 are our first Aussies AND house pets, always kept our animals outside to be raised but since we are seniors and empty nesters we just fell in love and couldn't put them out at night, but they are the easiest dogs we've ever trained and very very smart.

Austrailian Shepherd shaved to the skin
by: Cheryl Cotton

Our Aussie was also shaved--down to the skin!--by a groomer who was only supposed to wash and blow dry, That was a year ago this month. His fur has not come back in properly. His 1/3 back end is fur-less. He has bald patches and fur patches but has not grown out as he should have and has lost the beauty and majesty he had. He looks like a stray. I'm still devastated. Per my Vet, I've been giving his 3mg Melatonin to help with hair growth. It has helped some but he will never be the same. He's the sweetest dog but you can see that he knows. From what I have read, Australian Shepherds should not be shaved, at least not drastically. This "groomer" took it all the way to the skin. So beware of those who call themselves groomers.

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