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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

What's Good For An Australian Shepherd With Dry Flakey Skin?

by Nancy
(Wenatchee, WA)

I have a two year old Aussie. We are in pretty cold weather and have electric heat so the air is really dry. Her skin on her inner thighs has become dry and flakey. The vet said to give her fish oil 1 x a day. I had just started giving her an egg 1 to 2 times a week but he thought she has some allergy issues as her ears seem to bother her but there is no sign of infection.

Does anyone know what else I can do? Is there anything topical to put on her skin directly?

I have humidifiers running to add moisture in the house. Although they do make a difference they aren't the greatest.

My poor Auss seems pretty high maintenance. Poor thing! Appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance! Nancy from Wenatchee, WA

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The itches
by: Kathie and Ron

I give our Aussies - Omega 3 - which really helps with the itchies - also changed to Proplan Grain Free food - Some of our Aussies exhibit a reaction to food with grains, some do not...but worth a try!

Dry Skin
by: Nancy

We give both of our Aussies Coconut Oil. It is a miracle what this stuff does. It cures bad breath, helps the skin from dryness, gives energy to older dogs plus many items too many to list. Look on the internet in a search engine to see all the benefits. I wouldn't be without it.

My pup used to have itchy flaky skin😢
by: Sumrbrz

When I got my dog "Breeze," she had been eating Alpo😱. I slowly integrated Orijen grain-free food. What a difference! Her flaky skin cleared up & since Orijen is so nutritious, the size of her stools dramatically decreased. (make sure you check feeding amt. on bag) All her treats contain Omega 3's & I make her homemade treats by sauteeing beef liver😷 in Olive Oil then freezing in baggies. You just grab a bag from freezer & head for the park😊 I wish I had known about the effects some grains can have on dogs when my little guy Gator was alive. He continually scratched & chewed his feet. 2 Vets told me it was an allergic reaction to grass/weeds. Needless to say, Breeze goes to neither of those Vets.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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