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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

When Do Aussie's Get Long Hair?

I have a 4.5 month Aussie. When does his shorter puppy hair grow into a longer, beautiful coat?


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Re:Aussie coat
by: kym

I have had 4 Aussies and their coats varied as far as thickness,and length. On average they all had full coats by the time they were 2. One had a full coat at about a year (my male) my 2 females about 2 years (keep in mind females will blow their coats when not spayed usually) however, my last female puppy just turned 2 years and her coat is just now becoming full and long. It also varies as far as type. Most 'working' bred dogs will have a shorter, thinner coat as 'show' bred dogs tend to have a fuller, thicker coat. Hope this helps!

by: Anonymous

A agree with the first comment. It's around 2 years old (sometimes later) that they really start to fill out. That's one fairly good way to tell a young Aussie from a "mature" Aussie. Generally any Aussie over 2 will have developed those lovely thick skirts on their back legs.(Though do keep in mind that the actually thickness of the overall coat may very from dog to dog and between working and non working dogs)

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