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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Which Gender Should I Choose?

by Sarah
(Central Illnois)

I have a two year old Aussie female now and I am looking to get another Aussie pup. The dog I have now is spayed, (she was spayed before her first heat) and the next dog I get will be fixed as well (no matter the sex). My boyfriend and I have already found a few breeders that are having litters around the time we are looking to get a new puppy. I told them all that we are looking to get a male. Initially, we wanted a male because I have heard that two females together can get very territorial and aggressive. But, I am worried about the male marking. I guess I just want some feedback about which gender I should get.

Are there still problems and personality differences when both dogs are fixed as soon as they can be?


Questions About Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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Which gender?
by: Anonymous

As a general rule, it is always best to get a dog of the opposite sex. I have personally found this to be true. You should have no problems with marking if you neuter your male early enough. The clinic I work at recommends neutering/spaying at 6 months, unless you are having behavioral problems, then sooner. If your female is spayed, you should have no problems with marking.

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

I have 3 Aussie girls who get along great, but they are a mom with her 2 daughters. It would probably be better that you bring a male into your home. Females are usually the alpha and they would be less likely to fight if they are of different sexes.

My girls are very driven, protective and want to be doing something all the time. My boys have been lap dogs, loving everyone and everything. But every dog even in the same breed have differences.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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