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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

White Face Puppy, But Not Bred With Two Merles. Should I Be Worried?

by Christine
(Phoenix, Arizona)

I'm picking up this little guy in 2 weeks. I am worried about the lack of color around his eyes/ears. His Dad is a Red tri. Should I be worried about deaf/blindness from his color? Or am I okay because he is half red-tri? I've read about the double merle genes and he doesn't have that. But does a general white face mean problems? Thanks so much!

Comments for White Face Puppy, But Not Bred With Two Merles. Should I Be Worried?

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Not a Double
by: Becky Wichhart

I don't believe you should have to worry, he looks like he has the black pigment around his eyes, nose, and ears. Double Merle's will usually have pink all over the face area. I believe Meatball is just like my Border Collie who hears and see's anything and everything just fine, but is just predominately white.

by: Anonymous

Are her eyes and ears bright pink?
That is a problem, if not merlot and mettle you are fine.

White head
by: Jodi Holdman

i have a Merle-to-red tri female, she is a blue Merle and has a white head and can see and hear perfectly. Lack of color on the ears and/or around the eyes can be concerning but it's not a 100% certainty that your puppy will be deaf or blind. Your breeder should know by now if there are any concerns. I wish I could post a picture here for you but if you personal message me on FB I will send you one. I love to show off my girls, we have 3 Aussies!!

Mini Australian shepherd
by: Anonymous

I have a puppy that looks just like this. Breed black tri and red Merle. What color would you call this?

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