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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Why Did the Breeder Refer to This Red Australian Shepherd Puppy as Turquoise?

by Linda Craig
(Carlisle, Ohio, Warren County, USA)

I would like to share her pretty red face with light eyes. I'm getting her in 3 days. She is a puppy.

I'd like to know why the breeder referred to her as turquoise? Is it a reference to her eyes?

I'm naming her Chessy for her chestnut coat. She's a little tyke but goes to the door and out to the grass by a barn to do her business.

I have a completely fenced in yard and my house dates to 1862 and I have the original two-story horse barn with a three-seater privy. Plenty of old barn smells I hope Chessy likes.

I can't wait for any help I can get since I'm new to this breed. I've had Border Collies and a blue merle Sheltie.

Thanks in advance for helping me!

Comments for Why Did the Breeder Refer to This Red Australian Shepherd Puppy as Turquoise?

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by: Anonymous

Hi! She’s a sweetheart!! I’d ask the Breeder your question as they made the statement re: turquoise.

I had a Border Collie previously and I am finding my Australian Shepherd much smarter; very quick to catch on to words and not afraid of thunder one bit - bonus.

Wishing you & Chessy many days of enjoyment!!

Why Did the Breeder Refer to This Red Australian Shepherd Puppy as Turquoise?
by: Anonymous

It is probably the color of collar the breeder put on her for identification. They use different colors to make sure the purchaser gets the right one.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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