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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Why Does She Chew Up Her Bedding?

by Kathy
(St Louis)

Chewed up bedding

Chewed up bedding

I have a 8 month old female Aussie. I work 10 hour days and she is crated only until my husband comes home at noon and is home with her until I get home at 5 PM. We have a Jack Russell and a South African Boerboel with a huge privacy fenced back yard which they play in all the time then when I get home. I play ball with her for about an hour. But every once in a while she chews up her bedding... just out of the blue... like it can be months and no problem then one day its all chewed up... whats going on?

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Comments for Why Does She Chew Up Her Bedding?

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by: Anonymous

you sound like you are doing a great job by your dogs, and all the exercise is great, but she may need more chewing toys. try some rawhide, or something hard. my boy just turned a year, and he has chewed by furniture, loveseat, etc., til i started giving him harder toys to chew, ropes, and balls, but mostly the rawhide seems to be doing the trick. hope this helps. best to you.

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Instead of rawhide, try filling a KONG with peanut butter, treats, canned dog food or canned pumpkin and freezing it. It takes a long time for them to get everything out with it being frozen. I really don't like to give pups rawhide unsupervised.

Your pup is 8 months old and that is just it-- she is a puppy and is going to chew. One of my pups at 11 months ate my son's Air Jordan's when they were brand new. I made my Sera a beautiful blanket for her crate and she ate that as a pup. Now I usually just throw old towels or cheap rugs in with pups until they stop chewing.

by: Kym

You can also try getting her a kong. It is a hard rubber 'toy' that is great for chewing.I usually put some yogurt,broken biscuits,a little kibble,maybe some peanut butter,and other yummy things in it. Then put it in the freezer overnite.This should keep her plenty busy for a few hours. This is the only thing that keeps my female aussie busy. She gets bored with rawhides and 'bones' Hope this too was helpful!

chewed up bedding
by: sheila

She needs to be walked for a 30-45 minutes before crating and after and see if that works...

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