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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Why Is My Four Years Old Female Leaking All Over The House?

by Randy Harrison
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

My four year old spayed, female is leaking all over our house. She seems to do it when she is snoozing or just coming out of a sleep and sometimes just laying around the house. Have you got any idea why this is happening and what we need to do for her? Her name is Zoe, she is part Collie.

Thank-you, Randy from Ottawa.

Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Why Is My Four Years Old Female Leaking All Over The House?

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Incontinence in Spayed Females
by: Kathy


My Aussie had the same problem, as did my previous spayed female dogs. There are a few possible causes, but a common one is a decrease in female hormones as the spayed female ages. This can be rectified by replacing the hormones with medication such as Stilbestrol, which is a tiny pill given once a week.

Your Aussie needs to go to the vet, who will examine her and make a diagnosis.

Good luck!


Leaking Aussie
by: Anne

Something isn't right.
Have you taken her to the Vet to get it checked?
There are also pants/bloomers you can put on your pet. Try that also
Good Luck!

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

She probably has a urinary tract infection or is incontinent. You should see your vet. UTI's are quite common and relatively easy to treat.

Leaking urine
by: Anonymous

Don't be alarmed! This is a very easy fix! It isn't uncommon for spayed females and neutered males to 'leak' urine, usually starting at middle to late age. The first thing to do is rule out an urinary, bladder, or kidney infection. This is quite easy by taking a urine sample to your vet. They can rule this out quite easily. The vet will test the sample and you will have results within minutes.
If an infection is NOT the cause, there are medications that can help her. Usually, the cause is due to the urethral sphincter muscle becoming weak, but can also be a hormonal problem. Both of these are very treatable with inexpensive drugs. Hope this was helpful!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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