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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Why Is My Mini Aussie So Aggressive?

by Brianna
(Vancouver, BC, CA)

I have 2 cats and whenever they walk by my Aussie seems to attack them. She never seems to bite them but she growls and her teeth come out and she charges and growl/barks in their ear.

I seem to notice this when she is sitting beside me and my cats walk by. But she randomly attacked one for doing nothing.

She also does the same to me but when we’re in bed and it’s dark and I try to pet her, she does the same teeth out and big growl at me. After she does this she licks me and cuddles up which I am very confused.

I bought her as a stress dog but she has cause nothing but unexpected behaviour as I thought Aussie didn’t have.

Anyway I can fix this? I put her in her kennel for a 'time out' but it doesn’t seem to help.

Comments for Why Is My Mini Aussie So Aggressive?

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Same problem
by: Anonymous

Mine is not a mini, but she does the same thing. But she has been known to bite on occasion. No one can give me a solution other than to exercise her more. Problem is she's a senior Aussie with arthritis and will only exercise so much before her legs start shaking. Wonder if there's another suggestion...

Mine too. Not a mini, a 60lbs
by: Anonymous

Mine is almost three, she gets tons of exercise and has aggression issues. Has drawn blood from me three times, and has gone after my cats. Growls and snarls too. If you find help, let me know.

Also Have Aussie with Aggression Issues
by: Anonymous

Our Aussie is now 3 yrs. old. He started to exhibit tendencies with visitors to our home at about 14 mos. old. He has bitten someone who came onto our property, as they were leaving. He has also 'gone after' someone walking near by, as he was being walked on a leash. We had a dog trainer come & work with him/us for several sessions and we use treats as an aid for behavior modification at home (treats are a key for his training, lol). We keep him on a leash (As suggested by trainer), when visitors first arrive, until he feels comfortable with them. We also now use a muzzle when he is walked. Once he gets to know someone in in our home he does accept them. We always have to be aware of who he is around and how he is responding. We also keep him in our backyard where we have a combination of fencing and 'electric fence', so he is no longer in the open front yard, as people walk by. Although they are extremely dedicated & loving to their family, being an Aussie Pet-parent means taking EVERY precaution for the Aussie & those they encounter.

You Will Want To Take Charge
by: Anton

When dogs start getting territorial and aggressively defending their turf (also known has "your bed") or decide on their own to "go after" someone it's generally because they've decided that they are in charge. You can read a bit about that here and in the article that continues at the end of that one.

Unless you are taking charge and coming to be seen as the leader things are not likely to get much better—and may actually get worse.

I recommend an online video-based dog training program. It covers the foundations of dog training and establishing yourself as the leader, obedience training, and behavior issues. It is inexpensive and is available online 24/7. You can find more information about that program here through our affiliate link.

aggressive mini aussie
by: Anonymous

Depending on the breeding, aussies/minis can be a bundle of nerves. Lots of mini lines have these issues because they became so popular so fast, and people started breeding more for size than temperament. I would start by contacting the breeder to see if this is a common complaint that she has had, or if she has any suggestions.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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